2011年9月26日 星期一


過去七年來,「Tribal Massive」一直都在美國內華達州的拉斯維加斯舉行,參與者總是來自世界各地,大家每年也總是不辭辛勞地跑到這來向國際超級名師們學習。而讓每位舞者願意這樣跋山涉水的主因,在於這個學習營對於課程上的設計、人數上的控管,結構化的幫助舞者開發潛能,重視每一個人的學習效果。「Tribal Massive」就像是一所「肚皮舞學院」,一所擁有五星級的體驗學院!

只有最優秀且具備完善經驗的指導者,才能被選為作為學習營的老師。每一位指導者都是主辦人精心挑選的,對於師資的品質您大可放心,這也是為什麼七年來「Tribal Massive」每次一開放報名的短短數週內馬上就銷售一空的主因所在!

在眾方的要求下,「Tribal Massive」終於來到了亞洲!在2012827-31日首次登訪台灣!為了讓亞洲的舞者們更方便參與「Tribal Massive」這樣優質的學習活動,我們選擇了容易進出的台北市,作為首次亞洲「Tribal Massive」的基地。Kelli Li芷晴,將會是我們台灣代表,如果您有任何需要使用華語協助的地方,都可與她聯繫,聯繫方式在我們聯絡方式頁面上都有。在課堂上,我們會有中文同步翻譯,使您不會錯過任何一個細節。課程將會在台北市中心舉辦,每班學生人數也將受到嚴格控管。這就是為什麼我們擁有「五星級的精緻體驗」了!

在這周我們學習營的指導教授有:Jill ParkerKami LiddleAmy Sigil、以及Elizabeth Strong!!我們有兩種分級課程:中級&進階,提供學員選擇。不論您選擇哪一種分級,在這為期五天、35小時的學習營,您將能夠跟隨這四位指導教授一起學習、一起成長。


歡迎您加入我們這個大家庭,非常興奮地將「Tribal Massive」這所肚皮舞學院帶到了台灣!
主辦人:Tori & Yaniv Halfon, and Kelli Li 芷晴


更多活動內容請參考此: http://thetribalmassive.com/taiwan.htm

2011年3月11日 星期五

肚皮舞界的革命! – 專訪Suhaila Salimpour (1/2)

Suhaila SalimpourJamila Salimpour之女, Jamila Salimpour是中東舞蹈的先驅,而Suhaila則為Salimpour傳奇的第二代。她的父親Ardeshir Salimpour則是一位波斯鼓手。不僅是獨特的背景造就了她,Suhaila 從小就接觸爵士、踢躂舞,以及芭蕾的訓練。於是,Suhaila開始將她受過的古典舞蹈訓練以及母親所傳授的中東舞蹈做廣泛的整合,這也就是我們今日所看見的Suhaila Salimpour系統。

揭開Suhaila Salimpour系統誕生之因 

Suhaila Salimpour系統概念的誕生,主要是來自於她的母親Jamila SalimpourJamila Salimpour是美國部落肚皮舞的創始人,同時是第一個讓將肚皮舞術語定義與格式化的先鋒,並且這些術語仍沿用至今,屹立不搖。


一開始,Suhaila Salimpour系統的誕生只是單純地為了Suhaila 她自己。「在70年代時音樂有很大的轉變。許多來自埃及的音樂變得非常不同且獨特,而當時也是第一次人們開始為舞者作曲。在我母親的世代,所有的音樂都是根據四四拍(即每小節為四拍,以四分音符為一拍)所架構而成,但70年代的音樂完全顛覆了這個規則,一首音樂即是一個相當巨大的作品,一首曲子就有可能是集35位音樂家齊奏而成的藝術。當我1213歲的時候,我的腦袋中已點畫出我想要如何跳舞,但我的身體無法達到我心中想要的。所以我開始創造一套系統來訓練我自己的身體,讓身體可以表現出我想要呈現的舞姿。而當人們在觀賞完我所希望呈現的舞蹈後,他們跑來問我,我是如何做到的?慢慢地我才意識到,我需要將這個系統組織成一個架構,讓想要使用跟我一樣方式起舞的人們能夠學習。」Suhaila回憶著。





致力成就藝術 靈感俯拾即是 



2011年3月9日 星期三

Revolution in the Bellydancing World! – Interview with Suhaila Salimpour (1/2)

Suhaila Salimpour, daughter of legendary Jamila Salimpour, a pioneer in the world of Middle Eastern dance, and Ardeshir Salimpour, a Persian drummer. Not only her unique background has prepared her, but schooled from an early age in jazz, tap and ballet, Suhaila began integrating her extensive classical training with the Middle Eastern dance passed on by Jamila Salimpour.

How did Suhaila Salimpour Format born?

Suhaila Salimpour Format was born because her mother, Jamila Salimpour, the originator of tribal belly dance in United Sates, and also the first one to solidify a format of terminology in belly dance still used today. 

“My mom was unhappy that people said they teach her format but they didn’t really study with her or didn’t study enough. My mom told me, ‘Oh, I wish I could certify them!’ So this was an idea my mother had when I was very young, and I thought it’s actually a good idea! ” Suhaila explained. “People were using my mom’s name or basic idea to teach. But if you study with someone not long enough, you really can’t say you know the format. For instance, if you just study with a master only one year or two years, you don’t know the whole map yet. You must study for years and years and years!!

In the beginning, the structure of Suhaila Salimpour Format was planned just because of herself. “Music had changing in the 70’s. Many recordings of music coming from Egypt were so different and unique. This was also the first time people composing music for dancers. It’s totally different because everything was based on 4/4 in my mom’s generation. In the 70’s, music was a big composition. They might have like 35 musicians there. When I was listening in 12 years old or 13, I could see how I wanted to dance in my head but I couldn’t do that in my body. So I started to create a system to train my body that could show the way how I wanted to dance. After watching I put my plan in my body, people asked me how I did it. Then I realized I needed to create a structure about my plan which people wanted their bodies moving from my way. “ Suhaila said.

Based on her structure, Suhaila created it as a certification program with five levels. “I created certification program with several reasons: one is I knew it can help dancers can improve; second is there is no technique and foundation in bellydancing; third is because of my mom. I don’t want people just show up for few classes then start teaching my format. That’s why in my certification program has five levels. It shows you need to study it for years and years.” Suhaila continued explaining, “My format is like Martial Arts. They have yellow belt, blue belt……black belt. When you are black belt, it means you really understand the beginning. Not everyone can be black belt. That’s ok! Just like some people only can be level 1 in my format, or lever 2 in my format……, not everybody can be level 3, 4, 5.”

Train Your Technique! Learn from Origins!

“People seldom focus on technique, always Feeling, Feeling, Feeling, but you don’t have enough training and technique, you will still look……” Suhaila stopped, I didn’t keep asking. I think we both know what that is. “For instance, when I went to Japan, if I put them in home position, they won’t move even they die, you know? Compared with America, it took many years to get America dancers and audiences to appreciate my format. The truth is, people don’t work that hard, but my format is very difficult. If you don’t like to work hard, I am not a good teacher for you.”

If you see a performer, and you love their performance, don’t study with them, study with who they study with. Do you understand what I mean? You should find the origin. That’s why many students come to my class because they like my students’ performance or my mother’s. That’s also what I appreciate.” Suhaila believed.

Commit to Art. Inspired by Life

“I didn’t think to ‘create’ something. They just happened organic. I didn’t find them. Oppositely, they found me. I’m committed my art, so I train myself everyday. I work hard every day. I take many different dancing forms. I always stay opened. I’m always reading. I’m always educating myself. I do level 3 classes with my dancers. I did it for me. Even a master teacher, you still need to learn from everybody.” Suhaila said.

“For inspiration, I believe everything is connected. In creating process, if you stay opened, you can find the beauty and creative from many sources. For me, I rarely get inspiration in bellydancing world, usually from outside. For example, in Egypt, many dancers were inspired by dancers, costumes, and music. But I’m not. Walking on the street, I was inspired by a homeless person but still so generous; I was inspired by a man with one tooth, and he wanted to share his only piece of bread with me… Oh, what can inspire me is life, Not from make-up, costumes…!!” Suhaila explained.