2010年6月24日 星期四

What is “Raqs”? Why “I Raqs”? -[EN version]

您同時也可從此連結閱讀此篇文章的中文版 http://i-raqs.blogspot.com/2010/06/what-is-raqs-why-i-raqs.html

At first, I need to apologize. I was so focused on the content of the articles, that I forgot to introduce the meaning of the word "Raqs".

Raqs”, in the Arabic language means “Dance”.  People who learn belly dance would be more familiar with this word.  Bellydance, or Belly Dance, is a western-coined name for a specific style of Middle Eastern Dance, sometimes also called Oriental Dance, which in Arabic would be Raqs Sharqi.

You may wonder why I didn’t choose the name “Raqs Sharqi”, but instead only used “Raqs”?  Or if we want to talk about dance, why not use the word “Dance” directly instead of “Raqs”?

Yes, the reason of naming Raqs is because this community would be based on belly dance, and includes any topic related to bellydance.  In my opinion, there are no boundaries within dance, especially in this integrated generation.  It doesn’t mean that we should ignore professionals, nor abandon traditions. We should open our minds and be exposed to more different types of dance. I believe that would help us improve our dancing to a certain degree, regardless of what type of dance we currently specialize in.  So I decide to use “Raqs” for the name, and therefore define this community.  Also the reason of named with “I” is to make us pay more attention to the relationship between the Self and dancing, a pure and simple relationship.

Therefore, you are welcome to share different types of dance, or even different types of music in this community. Dance and Music can not be separated, after all. We also look forward to more artists who will share their stories and lives with us in the I Raqs community. More importantly, I Raqs needs to be supported by each of you, and receive suggestions from all of you.

And please feel free to respond on I Raqs or email if you have any comments and advises.

And lastly, thanks to my elders and friends who gave me ideas and inspiration in the naming process. Thanks to all of you for always supporting me.

So, Let’s RAQS!!!!
